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发布时间 2013-11-5 关注次数 2214


acceptance summary report 验收总结报告

account chart 会计科目一览表;帐户一览表

account flow chart 帐户流程图;会计流程图解

accountant's report 查账报告书

accountant's report 查账报告;会计师查账报告

accountant's special auditing report 会计师专案审计报告

accounting report 会计报告;财务报告

accounting report 会计册

accounting reports 财务报告

activity chart 活动示意图

ad hoc report 特别报告

additional paragraph in the auditor's report 审计报告中的附加段

admiralty chart 海图

after fact reporting 事后报告

alarm reporting 报警记录

analytical and interpretive report 分析和解释性报告

annotated Law Reports <<注释法律判例汇编>>

annual audit report 年度审计报告

annual report 年度决算;年报;年终报告

annual report of auditing and inspecting 年度审计及检查报告

annual report of exchange restriction 外汇管制年度报告

annual report on exchange restrictions 外汇管制年度报告

appraisal report 估价报告

army audit report 军队审计报告

attendance report 考勤报告

audio report 录音报告

audit flow chart 核数流程图;审计流程图

audit report 查帐报告;审计报告

audit report compiling 审计报告的编制

audit report modification 审计报告的修改

audit report on financial statements 财务报表审计报告;关于财务报表的审计报告

audit report on supplementary statements 对附表的审计报告

audit working items chart 审计工作事项表

auditing appraisal report 审计鉴定报告

auditing monthly information report 审计情况月报

auditing notary report 审计公证报告

auditing report 审查报告;审计报告书

auditing report for non-public purpose 非公开目的的审计报告

auditing report for public purpose 公开目的的审计报告

auditing report method on financial-economic law and disciplines 财经法纪审计报告法

auditing report with opposite opinions 反对意见审计报告

auditing suggestion report 审计建议报告

auditing survey report 审计调查报告

auditor general's annual report 审计长年度审计报告

auditor submitted financial report 审计师呈送的财务报告

auditor's report 审计师报告

auditor's standard report 标准审计报告;审计师的标准报告

auditors' report 审计人员报告

backlog reporting 预备报告

balance chart 平衡图

bank audit report 银行审计报告

bank report 银行报告

bar chart 条形图

bin level chart 品管叫制表

brief auditing report 短式审计报告

budget chart 预算图表

budget variance report 预算差异报告

budgetary control report 决算

calculating chart 计算资料

calculating chart 计算图

calculation chart 计算图

calculator chart 计算器记录纸

calendar progress chart 工作计划进度表;日程表

capital verification report 验资报告书

cash flow report 现金流量报告表

cash report 现金收支报告

cash-flow report 现金流量报告表

cell chart 方格图

census report 调查报告

chart course v. 指明方向

chart field 图域

chart for break even analysis 保本分析图;损益两平分析图

chart layout 图表布局

chart of account 会计科目表

chart of accounts 会计科目表

chart of business 商业图表

chart of business 营业图表;商业图表

chart of percentage comparison 百分率比较图

chart of percentage comparisons 百分率比较图

chart of shipping routes 航运路线图

chart one's course v. 为...指明方向

chart recording 图表记录

chart the path for v. 为...指明方向

checking accounts report with opposition 反对意见查账报告

circle chart 圆形图

circular chart 圆形图

claim report 索赔报告

classification chart 分类图

climate report 有关气候的报道

collating report 核对报告

comparative and evaluative report 比较和评价性报告

comparison of audit report 审计报告比较

complete auditing report 全部审计报告

complete report 完工报告

completion report 完工报告

complex chart 综合图

compliance audit report 合规审计报告

composite curve chart 复合曲线图

composite forecast chart 综合天气预报表

comprehensive auditing report 综合性审计报告

comprehensive report 综合报告

confirmed report 可靠的报导

congressional report 国会报告

consolidated report 综合报告

Consultant/Supervisor Visitation Report 顾问/督导视察报告

Consumer Reports on Eating Share Trends 消费者饮食趋势报告

contractor qualification report 承包人资格审查报告

control flow chart 控制流程图法

controlling chart 控制图

corresponding report 相应的报告

cost analysis information report 成本分析信息报告

cost chart 成本图表

cost information report 报告成本计算书

cost of production summary report 生产成本汇总表

cost report 成本报告

cost volume profit graph chart 成本销售利润的关系;成本销理利润的关系

cost-information report 报告成本计算书

credibility of audit of report 审计报告的可信性

credit report 信用报告

cross reference report 交叉引用报表

Cross Report 1888 克罗斯报告;1888年克罗斯报告

Crowther Report 1959 克劳瑟报告;1959年克劳瑟报告

cubic chart 立体图

currency transaction report 现金交易报告

curve chart 曲线图

custom report 用户报告

daily bulk stock reconciliation report 散装货库存调节日报表

daily material and spoilage report 材料废料日报单

daily plant efficiency report 工厂设备效率日报

daily report of work 理货工作日报表

Dainton Report 1968 丹顿报告(1968年)

damage report 损坏报告

damaged cargo report 受损货物报告书;货物残损报告书

dating the audit report 确定审计报告的日期

day of checking account report 查账报告日

death report 死亡报告

demographic data chart 人口统计图表

design chart 设计图

detailed audit report 详细审计报告

detailed auditing report 详式审计报告

detailed project report 详细项目报告

detailed report 详细报告

devanning report 折箱单

director' s report 董事会报告

director's report 董事会报告

director's report 董事报告

directors' report 董事会报告

disorder number & chart 乱数表

divergence curve chart 分歧曲线图

dividend report 红利报告

division report 部门报表

divisional performance report 分部业绩报告

divisional report 分部报告

doe research and development report 能源部研究与发展报告

dot chart 圆点图

draft of auditor's report 审计报告初稿

dual dating the audit report 注明审计报告的双重日期

duty chart 工作时间表;值勤表

dynamic report 动态报告

earnings report 收益报告

educational reporting 教育报告

embezzle the money without report 侵吞不报

enclosed rate chart for detail 附表的收费表

energy chart 能源耗用表

enterprise long form auditing report 企业长文式审计报告书;企业详式审计报告书

enterprise short form auditing report 企业短式审计报告书;企业简式审计报告书

enumerative reports pl. 列举式报告

error report 关于错误的报告

evaluation report 评价报告

even-pace chart 均匀速度表

examination of auditing report 审定审计报告

examination report 审查报告

examiner's report 审查员报告

exception report 异常报告;例外报告

explained opinion in the auditor's report 审计报告中的解释性意见

explained opinions in the auditor's report 审计报告中的解释生意见

external accounting report 外部会计报告

factory departmental cost report 部门制造成本报告

factual report 实况报告

fast-selling stock report 快货销售库存报告

fiduciary's report 受托人报告

final report 决算书

financial report 财务报告

financial statements covered by audit report 审计报告所涉及的财务表

flash report 快报

flash reporting 急闪报告

flip chart 海报(训练课室用);海报

flooor report 交易所成交证实书

floor chart 布置图

flow chart 流程图

flow chart 流程;流动状况图;流程图;流动图

flow process chart 流程图

follow-up report 后续检查报告

form of auditing report 审计报告形式

Gantt chart 施工进度表

Gantt Chart 线条图

Gantt chart 甘特图;甘特步进图;施工进度图表

general accounting report 会计总报告

geologic report 地质报告

Government Work Report 政府工作报告

guaranteed report 装货状态报告

half yearly economic report 半年经济报告

HongKong Law Report 香港法律报告

horizontal flow chart 水平流程图

hundred percent bar chart 百分比条图

hundred-per-cent bar chart 百分比条图

hunt report 查寻报告

illustrative chart 图表

inactive stock report 呆帐存货报告单;呆滞材料报告单

incident report 事件报告

independent report 非官方报告

indicator chart 指示符图;指示字图

informal audit report 非正式审计报告

inking chart 墨迹式图表;记录图表

insider report 内部报告

inspecting report 检验报告

inspecting reports 检验报告

instruction flow chart 指令流程图

instructional chart 教学图表

interim report 期中报告

internal audit report 内部审计报告

internal control report 内部控制报告

internal report 内部报表;内部报告;系统内报表

inventory report 存货报告单;库存报告单;盘存报告单

inventory shortage and over report 库存盘盈盘亏报告;盈亏盘存报告

investigation report 调查报告;调查报告书

it is reported that v. 据报道

it is reported v. 据报告

it was reported that v. 据报道

keyhole report 秘闻;内幕新闻

Kirby's Reports <<克尔比判例汇编>>

knowing circumstances of crime and failing to report 知情不举罪

laboratory work report 实验报告

latest market report 最新市场报告

Lawyer's Edition Supreme court Reports <<最高法院判例汇编>>第二套丛书

learned report 学术报告

lengthy auditing report 长式审计报告

liability mix report 负债混合报告表

line of business reporting 分部财务报告;业条分类报告

live UK news report 英国直播新闻报道

Lloyd's Report 劳合社报告

loading report 装船报表

logarithmic chart 对数图

long form audit report 详式审计报告

long form audit report 长式审计报告;详细审计报告

long-form audit report 详式审计报告

main sectoral report 主部门报告

main sectoral reports 主部门报告

man-machine process chart 人机程序图

management audit report 管理审计报告

management auditor's report 管理审计报告

management report 管理报告

management reporting 经营报告结果

management visitation report 品质服务卫生评估表

manufacturing expense budget report 制造费预算表

market report 市场报告

material inspection report 材料检验报告

material receipt report 收料报告

material received report 材料收入报告;收料报告单

materials examination and acceptance report 材料验收报告

materials return report 退料单

mercantile financial report 商业财务报告

method of common auditing report 一般审计报告法

method of financial auditing report 财务审计报告法

method of radio chart 雷达图法

Ministerial report on Regulatory Reform 关于制度改革的政府报告

Modern Law Report <<现代法律判例汇编>>

monograph report 专题报告

monthly report 月报

mortgage loan report 抵押贷款报告单

narrative auditing report 叙述式审计报告

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