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发布时间 2009-11-18 关注次数 2245

1. Earn an honest penny:
make money honestly.以合法手段赚钱
Example: Though once a prisoner, Tom is now earning an honest penny by being a regular truck-driver.
2. Earn one's living:
gain money by working.赚钱过糊口
Example: Some uneducated and unskilled people earn their living by doing manual work.
3. Ears burn:
feel embarrassed at hearing people talk about you.耳朵发热(指遭人说坏话而难堪)
Example: Jessie overheard people commenting badly on her and this made her ears burn.
4. Ease off/up
(on someone/something):
become less strong, less severe.减轻、缓和
(1). The toothache has eased off .
(2). It looks as if the rain is beginning to ease off.
(3). Tell them to ease up and not to work so hard.
(4). Please ease off on the workers; they are getting tired.
5. Facts and figures:
precise information.精确的资料
Example: In the report, please include all the facts and figures as long as they are true and reliable.
6. Fade away/out:
(i) become fainter.散开
Example: The music in the hall faded away after a while.
(ii)leave quietly.慢慢消失
Example: She was so nasty that the interviewers faded her out and sent
for someone else.
7. Faint heart never won fair lady:
a timid or discouraged person won't get the best of anything in life.怯懦的
Example: Try again! Faint heart never won fair lady, or anything worth having.
8. Gain access to a place:
enter a place.进入某处
Example: You can gain access to the house through this gate.
9. Gain/obtain currency:
become widely known or very common; be believed or accepted.传开
Example: Reports concerning bad government affairs often gain currency
in foreign press.
10. Handsome is as handsome does:
a good heart is more important than good looks.行为美才是真美
Example: He looks ugly, but he treats all very well. Handsome is as
handsome does.
11. Handy for something:
near something; something is easily reached.离……很近(非常利便)
Example: My apartment is in a convenient location handy for shops and
other amenities.
12. In a daze:
in a confused condition.处于茫然状态
Example: After the natural calamity, those who survived were in a daze.
13. In a dream:
in a state of mind in which one doesn't pay attention to the real world.糊口在梦幻中
Example: Some people are alert, but some are not and they seem to have lived in a dream.
14. Jump for joy:
show great pleasure.兴奋得直跳
Example: The moment she heard the good news getting the much-coveted job, she jumped for joy.


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